East Asian Coil Technique
Eastern Coil is one of the most valuable hand building techniques for the construction of asymmetrical forms. A master potters' tradition, Eastern Coil combines coil technique with the potter's wheel concepts, providing the greatest wet structural strength for clay sculpture. The workshop will include information on three-dimensional composition, design and international aesthetics.
Masters Throwing
The four-day intensive hands-on workshop, designed for intermediate and advanced potters, will focus on advanced throwing skills. Designed to build skills and refine technique, the workshop will cover concepts crucial to structural strength, including throwing exercises to increase efficiency and master level throwing skills. Class size is limited to twelve people. Bring your tools and 150 lbs. of the clay you are currently using. A selection of advanced tools will be available for experimentation.
Masters Throwing II
A follow-up to the masters throwing workshop, this four-day intensive workshop for intermediate and advanced potters will concentrate on advanced throwing skills. The workshop will focus on individual needs, provide more in-depth coverage of specific concepts, and continue to build skills and refine technique. Bring your tools and 100 lbs. of the clay you are currently using. The workshop is limited to 14 participants who have already taken the masters throwing workshop.
Plates & Platters
Two full days of hands-on, in-depth experiences in throwing and finishing plates and large platters. You will learn structural strength concepts, methods for centering, a variety of throwing techniques, options for finishing, firing theory, and composition. Bring your tools, bats, and 50 lbs. of clay.
An in-depth study of the characteristics and techniques for working with porcelain, including exploration of classical porcelain, low open forms, plates and platters, horizontal throwing and advanced glazing procedures.
Photographing Ceramics
Aesthetic considerations in photographing ceramic art, including composition of the object as it relates to the camera frame will be covered. Students will learn to develop a personal slide library and prepare a portfolio of slides for juried exhibitions, career and graduate applications. Students should come to class with artwork to be photographed, camera and knowledge of its operation.
Glaze Application
The two-day workshop, designed for intermediate and advanced potters, will focus on basic and advanced information on glaze application. The workshop will be a combination of lecture, demonstration, and hands-on exercises. Learn to "read the bisque" to make appropriate finishing choices that will balance or strengthen the composition. Learn techniques that will facilitate the glazing process. Discuss procedures to standardize within your studio to facilitate consistent results. The workshop is designed to build skills, refine techniques, increase efficiency and solve glazing problems. Please register early enough to receive a materials list and to make pots for glazing.
Kiln Technology
A study in kiln firing and stacking procedures with a concentration on reduction atmosphere firings; notes on types of kilns and basic kiln construction, oxidation firing and kiln maintenance and repair; kiln furniture, heat measuring devices and safety equipment. It is recommended that students have in depth experience with firing electric kilns or take the electric kiln course as a prerequisite. Bring glazed, cone-10 pots by Tuesday at 7 p.m. to be loaded into the kiln the next day. The kiln will be loaded and preheated on Wednesday. Loading will begin at 11 a.m. The firing will begin at 5 a.m. on Thursday and continue through the day. Students are required to be present until the kiln reaches temperature and shuts down. Lectures on the history of kilns and kiln technology and firing theory will take place during the cooling all day and Sunday morning. Unloading will take place Sunday at 1 p.m. followed by evaluation of the firing and assessments.
Electric Kiln
An in-depth study of all aspects of modern electric kilns used for ceramics, including design, construction and materials, related supplies and equipment, loading procedures, operation, uploading, routine maintenance, diagnosis of common problems and repair, safety and selection criteria for choosing the appropriate kiln for different applications.
Wood Firing
A study in wood firing with information on loading and stacking procedures, stoking patterns, heat rise and firing theory. Demonstration and understanding of wadding composition and placement, loading, types of woods, stoking patterns and the effects of oxidation/reduction cycles. Information on types of kilns and basic kiln construction, maintenance, kiln furniture, heat measuring devices and safety issues will also be covered. Students should arrive with bisque-fired pots made from cone-10 clay, glazed and ready to load at 9 a.m. Thursday. Students will fire the kiln and should be prepared to sign up for a minimum of two stoking shifts during the 24 hour firing. All work must be glazed and wadded and packed for transportation by the end of the day on Thursday. The unloading will be scheduled two days after the end of the firing usually Tuesday evening.
Ceramic Decoration
From the earliest times, potters have endowed their creations with individuality by the handling of the surface and form. Explore the expressive quality of the clay, form, surface finish and decoration techniques, using a variety of clays, firing temperatures and techniques such as pit fire, raku, gas and wood fire, and surface decorations including various types of glazes, slip, terre sigillatta, stains, and over glaze and under glaze colors. The knowledge and use of universal concepts of composition will be emphasized along with the development of the student¹s individual aesthetic statement.
Ceramic Sculpture
Applied ceramic design and construction covering a variety of methods of hand-building to take a sculptural direction. Instruction in three-dimensional design and structural strength concepts in relation to hand forming with clay. Techniques will include eastern coil, slab construction, modeling the figure, surface treatment in hand-building and firing considerations for scuptural forms. Individual sketches and projects, including critiques, will serve to aid in the development of exhibition criteria with emphasis on technique, finishing and firing choices.
Beginning and Intermediate Ceramics
A series of skill-building projects will introduce you to the joys of working with clay. The basic skills of pottery-making will be introduced through step-by-step instruction in clay preparation, hand-building techniques, finishing, decoration and glazing methods, and firing processes. Each intermediate-level student will select an area of concentration and, while working in series, explore techniques and projects designed to build skill and aesthetic awareness.
Intensive Throwing
Four workshops packed into nine days! After four days of intensive throwing, we will trim, bisque fire, and glaze successful work and fire all of the work in the gas kiln. Learn concepts crucial to structural strength, build skills, refine techniques, and increase efficiency in throwing, trimming and glazing. Learn procedures to facilitate consistent results within your studio. We will finish with in depth instruction in firing theory. To earn three college credits contact the Hood College Registrar at 301-696-3620.
Trimming Techniques
In the history of pottery, the importance of the finishing of the thrown work by turning the foot and the trimming of excess clay to refine the form has often been overlooked. The details of trimming enhance or destroy the structural integrity of the form. It is critical for the potter to understand the qualities essential for the structure and aesthetics of the completed piece. The workshop will cover the basic and advanced information and techniques for successful trimming of the ceramic form. A combination of lecture, demonstration, and hands-on exercises will build skills, refine techniques, increase efficiency, and solve structural problems.
Throwing Lab
This course provides students with supervised studio time to develop and refine skills taught in ceramic arts courses dedicated to throwing on the potter’s wheel. A faculty member will supervise the lab and provide students with information and assistance to work on problem areas. Skills assessments will be conducted at the beginning of the course, and the instructor will develop an individual education plan to help the student progress in their throwing skills.
Property of Clay
Anyone working with clay needs to understand the material in order to make informed choices. The course will provide necessary information about the primary material used by potters. Topics will include a study of the properties of clay and clay bodies desired by the studio potter; the correlation of knowledge of materials to desirable properties for specific ceramic procedures, i.e. hand-building, throwing on the potter's wheel, ceramic sculpture, raku, salt and wood firing; techniques for testing and correction of body formulae for throwing or hand-building clays in stoneware and porcelain; information about formulation, testing and correction of slips, terra sigillata and glaze base for specific clay bodies.
Property of Glaze
A study of the properties of glazes and the materials used to develop original glazes and adjust existing glazes for stoneware and porcelain. The course will include directed studio research and laboratory testing with selected topics in glaze composition, clay/glaze relationship, color, texture and materials.
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